
Committee Contacts

Home Ground – Tamworth Athletics Centre, Jack Smyth Drive, South Tamworth NSW 2340

Competition night – Little Athletics – Fridays from 5.30PM during the 4th and 1st school terms

Postal Address PO Box 5031 South Tamworth NSW 2340

Email: tlac.tamworth@outlook.com

President Rod Morrison tlac.president1@outlook.com
Vice President Renee Lace
Secretary Rebecca Harding tlac.tamworth@outlook.com
Treasurer Margi Frazer margi.frazer@hotmail.com
Registrar Kimberly Brown tlac.registrar@outlook.com
School Carnival & Equipment Casey Morrison tlac.equipment@outlook.com
Championship Officer Melissa Crittenden tlac.championship@outlook.com
Point Score/Recorder Tracy Miskle tlac.dataentry@outlook.com